LAKOTA BOOKS was founded in 1990 for the purpose of writing, publishing, and distributing monographs and books about Lakota and Dakota culture, history, and language. We also publish out-of-print classics, mainly in facsimile form. Occasionally we publish books of other American Indian cultures. We specialize in language materials and we encourage works both in the native language and bilingually. We are proud to have published books by Lakota scholar, namely, A Dictionary of Modern Lakota by Edward Starr and Lakota Eyapaha, a series of bilingual essays and Lakotiyapi: An Introduction to the Lakota Language by Ivan Starr. Both are Oglalas from Pine Ridge, South Dakota. We are also proud of our series of FLASH CARDS in Lakota with phonological pronunciation guide in English, which we have created. There are currently seven sets and
they are being used in a number of Lakota language programs.
Our catalogue 2014 is now online!
As we continue our publishing efforts into the second decade of the millennium, we would like to thank all of you for your loyal support.
When we started in 1990 we had only four titles in circulation. Since then we have published over 70 titles covering Lakota language, history, and culture, and more are on the way. We are particularly proud of the strong support we have received from Lakota and Dakota people themselves, particularly the many schools, colleges, and universities where our publications are used in educating young Native Americans about their historic past and present. We are also pleased with an increasing number of native authors and artists who have contributed to making Lakota Books a success. We sincerely hope that this number increases in the near future.
Finally, we hope that each and every one of you has a happy and prosperous year and that Native American languages and cultures continue to achieve the honor, pride, and respect they rightfully deserve.
Lakota ikce wicasa na ikce winyan kin hena ohinniyan wicunkiksuyapi kte lo. Ho hecetu welo.
Nitakolapi lena unkiyepi yelo,
Marla and Bill Powers
Our Mission
Many of our publications are being used in schools attended by Native Americans. We are committed to making available high quality, culturally relevant materials which to date have been non-existent.
We are particularly attentive to recent concerns of Lakota and Dakota people with respect to tribal names, or other materials that are stereotypical or otherwise insensitive to native cultures.
Company Profile
LAKOTA BOOKS Publishing Co. is owned and operated by Drs. William K. and Marla N. Powers.
Bill Powers, Pine Ridge, SD, 1997. At the Oglala Nation Powwow.
William K. Powers taught anthropology at Rutgers University for 24 years. During his tenure there he earned the highest rank conferred, that of distinguished professor. William Powers is considered one of the leading scholars on Lakota, both here and abroad. He has spent over fifty years among the Lakota and is the author of more than 20 books and hundreds of scholarly articles. His publications include the highly acclaimed Oglala Religion; Yuwipi: Vision and Experience in Lakota Religion; Beyond the Vision; Sacred Language: The Nature of Supernatural Discourse and War Dance, to name a few. His works have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish,
German and Hungarian.

Marla N. Powers, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 1997.
Marla N. Powers is a former tenured professor of Anthropology at Seton Hall University. She has spent over forty years
among the Lakota and her highly acclaimed book, Oglala Women: Myth, Ritual and Reality was one of the first accounts of Lakota women from their own perspective. She has published
numerous articles both here and abroad. Her most recent work Praiseworthy Women: Wives and Warriors in Lakota Society is based on interviews with Lakota women in the military.
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